Ashley Elaine York

Ashley Elaine York
Int’l Film/TV Correspondent and Corus Entertainment PhD Fellow in Television Studies at the University of Alberta, Ashley Elaine York. Contact her at: All photophraphs and words are the creation of Miss York. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED c. 2010.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Capsule Review of 'Lincoln' (2012), directed by Steven Spielberg, screenplay by Tony Kushner

This movie is an intimate blockbuster, a quiet, atypical offering by Spielberg. Exquisitely acted and filmed with short focal-length shots, the best aspect of the movie may be the screenplay written by Tony Kushner.

Favorite line: “If you’re going to sink in a swamp, what’s the use of a true north?”

For Lincoln, there was often a tension between pragmatism and principals. It is useful, then, to remember that to succeed one must often deviate from his or her set path, but must ever remain cognisent of the ultimate end goal.